Why We Exist

Restoration means to: Return, Bring Back, and Repair. 

home  Return- Our goal is for people to return to God through Jesus Christ. Man once was in relationship with God, but because man sinned our relationship was broken. Jesus came to restore us back to God because we couldn't do it in our own power. 

diagonalarrow Bring Back- Our goal is for people to be brought back to life. The Bible says that we were dead in our traspases, but Jesus brought us back to life. Water Baptism is the the symbol of our lives coming back to life. Communion is our celebration as a church that we are alive in Him. 

ToolsRepair- When people give their lives to Jesus, there is a process called sanctification. Our spirit has been born again, but our soul which is our mind, will and emotions are still in the process of becoming more like Christ. Sin many times damages our will, our emotions, and our thinking and we must learn to submit them to the new identity that we have in Christ. 


what do we believe

Que Creemos

We are a Spirit Filled church and are a member of the Assemblies of God Fellowship. Our belief is that the power of the Holy Spirit is here to save, sanctify, and empower the believer with supernatural gifts including speaking in tongues is still operating today. 

For a complete list of our doctrinal beliefs, please see our 16 Fundamental Doctrine Statement from the Assemblies of God. 


Somos una iglesia que es somos de las Asambleas de Dios. Nosotros creemos que el poder el Espíritu Santo esta aqui para salvar, santificar, y darnos poder con dones espirituales incluyendo el hablar en lenguas que todavia estan operando hoy. 

Para ver nuestra lista completa de creencias mire nuestra declaración de verdades fundamentales.
